Journal of Case Reports and Images in Infectious Diseases publishes following type of articles:
- Review articles
- Case Series - Report of two to six similar cases
- Case Report - Report of a single case
- Case in Images - Report of a single case with 10-25 figures/images
- Clinical Images - Distinct images with a short case history
- Letters to the Editor - Brief report of a case, results of a pilot study or comments on articles published in Journal of Case Reports and Images in Infectious Diseases
Please see the "About the Journal" and "Why Publish With Us?" sections of the website. You can access the pages from the top navigation menu.
Currently, Journal of Case Reports and Images in Infectious Diseases is published as an online journal. You can use the link to HTML and PDF versions of all the articles given in the table of contents, on the abstract page and on the full-text page of the article to download the article and read it offline.
You can submit your manuscript including cover letter, manuscript text file and images/figures to the journal in two ways. You can submit the files online through a webform or as email attachments. Please see "Submit Manuscript" page under "For Authors" tab in the top menu for more information. In both cases you will receive immediate confirmation that we have received your files.
All articles published in Journal of Case Reports and Images in Infectious Diseases are open access and are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution International License. The articles can be accessed online immediately on their publication.
The authors retain the copyright of all their work published in Journal of Case Reports and Images in Infectious Diseases. All articles published in Journal of Case Reports and Images in Infectious Diseases are open access and are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which means the articles are universally and freely available online for anyone to download and use. On acceptance of the article for publication in Journal of Case Reports and Images in Infectious Diseases, corresponding author will need to sign a Author Agreement Form.
All articles published in Journal of Case Reports and Images in Infectious Diseases are open access. Open Access publishing implies that all readers, anywhere in the world, are allowed unrestricted online access to full text of articles, immediately on publication in Journal of Case Reports and Images in Infectious Diseases. No payment is collected from the readers for accessing, downloading and reading the articles. This increases the citations of an article in other articles and increases its importance in scientific literature. If a published paper can only be accessed by paying a subscription fee, many authors while writing their manuscripts, look for freely available articles and include them in their citations. Due to this reason some very good articles suffer and lag behind in citations as readers can not access them without paying for subscriptions. The Article Processing Charges collected by Journal of Case Reports and Images in Infectious Diseases pays for the editorial and production costs of the Journal. The processing charges covers the entire cost of the publication process. This includes office expenses, staff salaries, maintaining the websites, hosting environment, software for processing manuscripts, editing, peer reviewing, copyediting, typesetting, publishing every paper in multiple formats, submitting the articles to electronic databases, and membership fees of academic organizations and societies.
Text, tables, graphs, charts and figures from any articles published in Journal of Case Reports and Images in Infectious Diseases may be reproduced in any format or medium. The only condition is that Journal of Case Reports and Images in Infectious Diseases must be identified as the original publisher, and proper attribution of authorship and correct citation details are given.
Journal of Case Reports and Images in Infectious Diseases is an Open Access journal. Article Processing Charges are payable when the article is accepted for publication in Journal of Case Reports and Images in Infectious Diseases. There is no fee for submission of articles to Journal of Case Reports and Images in Infectious Diseases. Please click here to see the current Article Processing Charges for the journal.
Article Processing Charges will have to be paid after the manuscript has been peer reviewed and accepted for publication. The corresponding author will be responsible for arranging the payments.
The payment can be made by Credit Card, Debit Card or PayPal. The details about how to make the payment will be sent to the corresponding author after the manuscript has been peer reviewed and accepted for publication. If there is any bank surcharge or processing fees for sending us the Article Processing Charges, you will have to arrange for it. A receipt of the amount paid by you will be sent to your email address within 48 hours of making the payment.
Although the Article Processing Charges for our journal are very low as compares to other journals, waiver requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Full or part waiver of charges may be granted in some cases. To apply for a waiver please click here to see the instructions. In the waiver application give your name, address, institution, title
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All articles published in Journal of Case Reports and Images in Infectious Diseases are cited in the same way as those published in print journals. Citation will include - author names, article title, journal name, year of publication, volume, number, and inclusive page numbers. Please look at the 'How to cite this article' on the abstract and full text pages of your article on this website.
Written, informed consent from the patient is required for submitting a manuscript to the journal. Authors need not submit the original document used for taking patient's consent; however they will be required to sign the 'Patient's Consent to Publish' section of the Author Agreement Form to confirm that they have obtained written, informed consent from the patient. We may request to see the document at any stage of the publication process and even after publication of the article. We request you to preserve the original document for your records. In case of minors or if the patient is unable to give consent, the consent may be obtained from parents/legal guardians or next of kin. If it is absolutely not possible to obtain patient's consent, please contact the Editorial Office before submitting your manuscript, explaining the reason as to why a written informed consent can not be obtained along with a short summary of the case. In some situations it may be possible to publish the manuscript. We will guide you about how to proceed further with your manuscript.